WhatsApp To Cease Functioning On Select Devices Including Blackberry, Symbian, Java And Some Windows Smartphones

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Facebook owned chat app, WhatsApp has announced that it will no longer offer the kind of capabilities that WhatsApp requires to expand its features in the future to the following mobile platforms:

- BlackBerry Phones including BlackBerry 10
- Nokia S40
- Nokia Symbian S60
- Android 2.1 and android 2.2
- Windows Phone 7.1

This announcement essentially means that, in the near future, phones running on the aforementioned OS will not be able to run WhatsApp application anymore. 
The inclusion of the Blackberry 10 OS is definitely a big surprise.

This news would definitely result in a chain of events which definitely includes the possibility of phones running Blackberry OS, S40 OS, S60 OS, windows 7.1 OS and other outdated android phones being booted out of existence. This is a big possibility because users would definitely not want a smartphone that would not be able to make use of basic apps that have become essential in modern day.

BlackBerry though are trying to keep afloat in the smartphone worldwide, the company are releasing a phone running on Android OS.

This is following positive response to the "Priv"
BlackBerry plans on strictly producing phones running on Android OS.

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