Infinix Note 2 X600 Users Gets Android 6.0 Marshmallow Updates.

Monday, March 7, 2016

After the very long wait, Infinix Note 2 x600 users can finally run Android's Marshmallow 6.0 OS on their smartphones or choose to wait for its arrival over the air on their devices.
The OS update is gradually being rolled out to infinix note 2 X600 users.
The update is available and can be flashed
into user's phone.
For more information on this, visit Infinix's forum page.

If you prefer to chill out for an OTA (Over the Air) update instead of having to task yourself with manually flashing in the ROM into your phone, Infinix assured the update is being rolled out gradually and will reach all users eventually.


- Device will upgrade to android Marshamllow XUI 1.N.3.0

- XACCOUNT registration added to startup guide.

- Screen Record upgraded to V1.0; record toggle added to notification bar.

- Fixed issue where front camera cannot be accessed by non-system apps.

- Added video call (only usable if SIM card supports this*function).

- Fixed one-hand mode malfunction

- Fixed issue where Direct Call widget does not display contact avatar.

- Removed pin number notification from pulldown bar when Mobile Anti-Theft is activated.

- Fixed button overlap with “Just once – Always” and “Home-Back”.

- Battery percentage added to pulldown bar.

- Added quick wallpaper swap for enhanced
Long press the idle interface, select a key switch wallpaper from the widget

- Added Xshares function with QR delivery.

- Optimized communication module interaction and visuals.

- Optimized system stability and performance while fixing other issues.

This Infinix's Marshmallow 6.0 update is based on infinix’s XUI and more features may be added which could be different from that of the stock version.

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