Glo Users- How to Activate 6GB data plan for just 2K

Saturday, June 7, 2014

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How to Activate 6GB for just 2K

To activate this plan, simply load 1K on your Glo line and
then subscribe for the Monthly Glo Bis, to opt-in simply
send ” Comonth” to “777” with a blackberry device, then
after few hours Later, load another 1K and perform same
procedure, then you would be given 6GB data plan for
just 2K, and this BIS plan would expire in 2months time.
How Glo Bis works on PC, iPhones and Androids:

To tether Glo Bis on PC or iphones, simply tether through
the use of hotspot through your bold 5, bb10 or curve 7,
But for Android users, you can apply the below
Glo Bis on Android device:

After activating the 6Gb with a BB device as explained
above, then simply make use of that same blackberry
device to surf the internet for about 5mins, then remove
the sim and insert into your android device.
After you’ve inserted your sim in your android device,
then move to the network settings and change the apn to and save, then exit.
Once the above procedure is completed, then switch on
your data(H won’t display yet) and then off your android
device, then remove the sim and insert back to that same
blackberry device and surf the internet for another few
mins, maybe 5minutes precisely, make sure that the
blackberry device is on 3G when surfing, then remove
your sim and insert to your android device and start

NB: Pls’d read the above procedure strictly.
Apart from the above procedure, we’ve another procedure
in which you can surf Glo bis on Android device, but
it’s a very risky one. It’s know as tweaking your imei
method, and the method works 100% than the first.
I won’t be posting the method here, but if you still insist I
should post it, I’ll, but it would be made in the comment
box, so if you’re interested in such method, the comment
Disclaimer: The second method can lead to brick of
your device and it’s also illegal tweaking the imei of your
device in countries.

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