How To Root Nokia X , X+ and XL Within 5 Minutes

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Nokia team announces the release of its Android Smartphone Named Nokia X, X+ and XL and now finally you can now easily root this Nokia X series in just 4 steps within 5 minutes or less.
If you own and interested in rooting your Nokia X model, just follow the four simple steps below. This procedure is likely to void the phones’ warranty, so have this in mind when you fire up the root application on your historic first Nokia with Android.
How To Rook Nokia X, X+ and XL In 5 Minutes

1. Download Framaroot.apk
2. Install it (you can use the built-in Astro file manager to locate where it downloaded to) & Open
3. Between “Aragorn” and “Grandalf” Click on Grandalf
4. Now Reboot your device.
Its just as easy as that, after your phone has rebooted, you device should have been rooted by then.

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